February 28, 2025 04:44:26
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1. Display Modes

The site can be displayed in three modes:

2. Window-based Mode (Default)

2.1 Window Controls

A Standard or an extended set of controls is available for various window types, depending on window function:

  • Caption - displays the icon and the window title. Left-click the title bar to drag and drop the window. Double-click the title bar to expand the window to its normal size.
  • Lower border marked with a slant stroke line is available in resizable windows. Left-click and drag it to resize the window. Double-click the title bar to undo resizing
  • Close button closes the window
  • Collapse button collapses the window to display only the title bar.
  • Expand button expands the window.
  • Fit to screen button expands the window to fit the screen size so that it displays on top of other windows. Clicking it in the expanded view, will toggle to Simplified mode, and the content of the current window will be displayed.
  • Print button allows to print the current content.
  • Refresh button allows to refresh the window content.
  • Autorefresh button starts the autorefresh count. When the timer is On, its value in seconds is displayed instead of the button to show how much time is left before the pages is refreshed. Click the value to change it or disable the timer.

2.2 Windows Manager

Windows Manager is the main tool you can use to control windows. It is available from your Main menu and is opened by clicking . It includes the following features:

  • Deafault layout button sets default layout, which is visible when you first land at VOON.
  • Remember button allows to remember the current layout and creates a corresponding record in the layout list.
  • Save to file button saves the current layout to file to be stored on the local drive.
  • Windows button displays links to all open windows. You can paste any of these links to you messages posted on the message board or in your private messages.
  • Window settings button displays the set of window controls that can be disabled (Close confirmation, Opening multiple instances of the same window, Sounds)
  • Restore layout from file panel deploys the window layout stored in a file on the local drive.
  • Window layout list displays the date when the current layout was remembered and allows deploying this layout, adding a tab to the quick menu, getting a link to share your layout with other users, saving the layout locally, and deleting it.

2.3 Open new windows

Clickable links are usually dot-underlined. When you click a link, a new window will open, generally, at the bottom or in the right hand pane. To position the window instantly, hold the window link as you left-click it and drag the pointer with icon to the desired position.

2.4 Open multiple window instances

If a window can be opened more than once, it will open normally as many times as you click it. Depending on the script logic, some window types do not support opening multiple instances. When you try to open a new instance of such window, the system will guide you to the window instance that is currently open, and its title bar will flicker for some time.

3. Simplified Mode

This mode displays VOON like a regular non-web 2.0 site. It offers all functionality available in default mode. You can add current page as a tab to the Quick Menu, and the same tabs will display in the default mode, enabling you to toggle between the modes instantly. You can always return to default mode by clicking VOONRU logo in the top left corner, or by opening "Manage Windows" window.

4. Mobile Mode

Mobile mode offers all functionality of the default mode, but navigation is different, and all design elements are adopted for smaller screens.

5. Site Champs

Every user can create his or her Champ and organize round-robin tournaments and cup contests. You can choose to allow or disallow custom names for the participating clubs. If custom names are allowed, the Champ will not qualify for the official or commercial status at VOON, and you will not be able to offer bonuses to participants. Champ Managers who accept only participants with standard club names, run their Champs with care so that they become increasingly popular, may upgrade their Champs status to VOON's official competition. Official status enables them to offer additional one-off challenges, compile custom sets of events for all types of games, receive higher bonuses for managing their Champs and offer higher bonuses to the participants. Managers running official champs successfully and with class, may apply to obtain a commercial status for their Champs. This status will enable them to officially run commercial tournaments using VOON internal currency and offer bonuses with convertible woonz that can be monetized into player's national currency.

6. Club Selection and Management

All club names are cloned from real football clubs that exist or have existed in the football history. All clubs are rated from 1 to 10 based on their fame and achievements. Players who want to enroll in tournaments with bonuses must manage an officially rated club. There is a weekly rent associated with every club based on their rating multiplied by 5. The majority of clubs have simple rating because they belong to lower leagues of low rated federations, and it is enough to visit VOON every day to earn the amount needed to pay the weekly rent. If you want to manage a top club with rating of 10, you will need to perform successfully in several official tournaments, because you will be charged 50 woonz every week. You may choose to purchase the club you manage, and the weekly rent will be canceled in this case, but generally, the acquisition fee is very high and you will need to win a number of popular tournaments to accumulate sufficient funds. Players who do not have sufficient funds to pay the rent receive a notice. If the notice is ignored, the player will be disassociated from the club at the date when the weekly rent is charged. If you cannot manage a top club due to low funds, we recommend that you select a lower rated club in good time. Players who do not manage a club will be removed from the tournaments. The club's rating also increases all bonuses accrued for the wins or ties. Depending on the club rating, the bonuses are multiplied by the following factor:

Club RatingFactor

7. Squad contests

Every user can create a squad and invite any player. Any player can apply to join the squad. Players join squads based on the mutual consent of the squad owner and the player. Player may leave squad or be dismissed from the squad at any time. The squad owner can organize tournaments for squads or arrange one-off (friendly) games with other squads. If both squads have the same player on their rosters, such player can not be lined up. All squads have a prize pool, and the amount of bonuses for the players depends on the size of the prize pool. The prize pool increases after every game played. The squad owner may add his own woonz to the pool. Managing a club, is not mandatory for playing in a squad.

8. VOON's Internal Currency

VOON's internal currency is called "Woonz" and is symbolized with a sign.

8.1 Refilling Methods

Your account will be refilled every time you:

  • Receive a bonus for winning or tieing the game -- depends on the rating of the champ
  • Receive a bonus for completing a matchday in your tournament or cup contest -- depends on the rating of your champ
  • Receive a startup bonus after registering with VOON
  • Receive a daily bonus for visiting VOON
  • Win a challenge -- available only from the managers of official and commercial tournaments
  • Receive a manager's bonus when your squad wins or ties a game
  • Receive a player's bonus when you scored in a game or just were lined up for the game won or tied by your squad
  • Receive a bonus for referrals
  • Receive a special bonus from site admins -- for assistance in development or promotion of VOON, for winning VOON's official champ, etc.
  • Receive bonus for winning a commercial champ
  • Refill by converting your national currency to woonz

8.2 How do I use woonz?

You can use woonz to:

  • Pay weekly rent
  • Pay the club acquisition fee
  • Create a squad and add to its prize pool
  • Buy up power bets unless this option is disallowed
  • Purchase insurance unless this option is disallowed
  • Pay fee to disallow buying up in your champ
  • Stake in a challenge
  • Pay to get a desirable club through an auction
  • Pay an admission fee to play in a commercial champ

8.3 How do I convert woonz to my national currency?

Requests for back-conversion of woonz to national currencies can be processed only by Commercial Champ Masters. They can convert woonz and then distribute the money, or request conversion and transfer in the name of the winners. If a Champ with status other than commercial offers a prize pool, you bear all the risks associated with enrolling and participation. VOON admins do not monitor prize pools in non-commercial champs, and do not guarantee that any payment of bonuses or back-conversion of woonz will be properly performed.

8.4. Transferring woonz between users' accounts

To avoid registration of multiple auxiliary accounts to accrue daily bonuses and transferring them into principle account all transfers of non-convertible woonz are prohibited. Users can transfer only convertible woonz.

8.5 Possible consequences of fraudulent behaviors

Managing multiple accounts to play for different clubs is in fact disadvantageous. If such behaviors are detected based on the analyses of VOON's monitoring tools that are capable of detecting IP and hardware that were used during users' activity, VOON admins may publish such statistical evidences at VOON and permanently ban the users suspected of conspiracy or using multiple accounts. Generally, no statistical information can be published or otherwise used unless such information is needed to make the case of fraudulent behaviors and to enforce the Rules. You can create and use additional accounts to manage or play in a squad, or to manage a champ. Respect your rivals and they will respect you, too.

9. Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set time zone at VOON? Will it affect my saved schedules and other time settings?
To set your time zone, click clock on the left top corner. Select the option you need in the Set time zone window. All dates will be offset according to your selections. Other users will see the offsets based on their time settings, while internally, it will be the same time. Time zone selection does not affect the logic.

How do you calculate bonuses?
You may calculate performance bonuses only when the total number of bets in your champ exceeds 1000. Once the threshold is exceeded, the bonuses will increase depending on the growing number of bets, non-linearly, following the common logarithm curve. The bonuses for the win are three times larger than for the tie. The bonuses in official and commercial champs are three times larger than in regular champs with the comparable total number of bets.

How do you calculate the squad's bonuses depending on its prize pool?
The squad's prize pool can not be less than 100. As the prize pool grows the bonuses are calculated non-linearly, following the natural logarithm curve. In a fixture, the prize pools of both squads are summed up to calculate the bonuses for each squad owner and each lined-up player. All bonuses are summed up and added to the account of the winning squad.

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